Us-Iran Conflict

Meesum Qazalbash
6 min readApr 27, 2021


Iran, one of the ancient land of history and mystery. Its empire once held the position of a superpower in the world. From the Achaemenid Dynasty to Phelvi Dynasty, power was always in the hand of the imperial. Everything changed in 1979; the Islamic Revolution of Iran turned the course of the future and marked a full stop to the Persian Empire. At that time, America was the biggest ally of Iran due to its important strategic location. It has been four decades since America and Iran conflict with each other. The cause goes back to the time when an event occurred that potentially hit Iran.

Time Magazine honoured Iranian Nationalist leader, Dr Muhammad Mossadegh, as the man of the year in 1951. It was for his efforts to nationalize Iranian oil wealth. Iranian oil is one of the oldest oil in the middle-east, which was controlled by foreigners from the beginning. British Government, encouraged William Knox D’Arcy to invest in the oil sector of Iran. D’Arcy and the Shah of that time Mozaffar al-Din had a deal in which, he was ensured 60 years of concession to prospect, transport and sell petroleum, natural gas, asphalt and minerals in three-quarters of the country. Shah had £ 20,000 in cash and other £ 20,000 in shares. Iran set to get only 16% of the oil profit (TRT World, 2020).

Mohammed Mossadegh, Man of the Year | Jan. 7, 1952

In 1908, a vast oil reserve was discovered at Masjed Soleiman in southwest Iran; the largest oil discovery. British bought out the D’Arcy concession and formed a new company named Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which later became the British Petroleum Company (BP) in 1954. Shortly coal was outraced by the oil. Iranian oil subsequently helped the British Navy during World War I. British PM Winston Churchill mentioned the importance of Iranian oil as;

“Fortune brought us a prize from fairyland beyond our wildest dreams.” (Kinzer, 2010).

For the next 50 years, Iranian oil came under British control. Post World War II, the uprising of nationalist voices in Iranian Majlis (Parliament) weakens the hold of Raza Shah Phelvi. An ardent supporter of oil nationalization assassinated Haj Ali Razmara (PM of Iran). Nationalist nominated Dr Mossadegh as the new PM. Shah pressurized to accept the nationalist nomination (TRT World, 2020).

In 1951, the Iranian parliament voted for the nationalization of the Iranian Oil Wealth under the leadership of Dr Mossadegh. It was a landmark achievement of Iranians against a foreign power and also a milestone for the Nationalists. Dr Mossadegh in his famous speech;

“…Our long years of negotiations with foreign countries… have yielded no result thus far. With oil revenues, we can meet our entire budget and combat poverty, disease and backwardness in our people.” (After 65 Years: Mosaddegh’s Speech at The Hague (June 1951), 2016).

That was an uncurable setback to the British economic interest. British took the case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and made it impossible for Iran to sell its newly nationalize oil. British were acute to regain control over the Iranian oil. They went to the US to help a coup against Dr Mossadegh, but Harry Truman’s administration rejected the idea. In 1953, Dwight Eisenhower was informed about the communist connection of Mossadegh. Eventually, he came under the influence of the British.

Raza Shah was helped by the CIA and MI6 to topple the government of Dr Mossadegh. Gen. Fazollah Zahedi surrounded the residence of Mossadegh with tanks. His cabinet had to resign, Zahedi became the new PM. Then the US restored the pro-western regime of Shah into power (TRT World, 2020). It was the first time the US intruded and overthrew the first democratically elected government. It marks the inception of the group of events that shapes modern-day Iran. Mossadegh imprisoned for three years. After his death, his family had to bury him in the house. This event moulded Iran from constitutional autocracy to royal tyranny.

After the 1953 coup, oil was back under the control of the British. In 1957, Shah formed a new agency known as SAVAK with the help of America with the sole purpose to monitor his political opponents not only in the country but also overseas. Its agents get training from the CIA with modern techniques to torture and concentrate. The US-Iran alliance turned stubborn to the anger growing in the people of Iran. US President Jimmy Carter said Iran “An Island of Stability” at dinner in Tehran,

Shah of Iran and US President Jimmy Carter

“Iran, because of the great leadership of the Shah, is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world. This is a great tribute to you, Your Majesty, and to your leadership and to the respect and the admiration and love which your people give to you” (Bill, 1988).

Shortly after Shah forced to leave the country. Grand Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran, after 15 years of exile. A nationwide referendum held and Khomeini became the supreme leader of Iran. It marks the start of state hostility towards the US. Late in 1979, students of Tehran University assailed the US embassy and took more than 60 people hostage. In 1980, the US baned exports to Iran and cut off ties with it. In 1983, 241 American servicemen killed in a suicide bomb, in Beirut. In 1988, the US shot an Iranian passenger plane killing 290 people, including women and children. From 1980 to 1988, the Iran-Iraq war cost 2 million lives. In 2009, secret uranium enrichment sites identified in Iran. In 2015, the Obama Administration made a nuclear deal with Iran to stop enrichment over the economic sanctions. In 2018, Trump’s administration withdraws from that deal and reimposed the economic sanctions (The history behind the US-Iran conflict, 2020). In 2020, the US killed the top Iranian commander Gen. Qasim Suleimani. For many Iranian, he was a national hero; the same as Mossadegh, which the US has thrown against the wish of the Iranian people (TRT World, 2020).

In 1984, The US designated Iran as a terror-sponsoring country. Iran also supports the Shiite proxies in the region. It is the founding father of Hezbollah, A Lebanese political party with its army. Hamas has been supported by Iran. In Syria and Iraq, Iran has created Zainabiun and Fatimiun Front to fight against ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Houthis are supported by Iran, but they refuse the claim. Iran could do anything to expand its influence in the middle-east.

Iran has violated many human rights like publically executing its political opponents and social activists. Iranian gave more tax than any other country in the region. The unemployment rate in its youth is 27.36%, which higher than in its neighbours. These causes are the main reason for many mass protests in the past years: the green movement in 2009 and the protest in 2018. After Ayatollah Khomeini, Ayatollah Khamenei succeeded him to full fill his legacy. He is the most powerful man in Iran: From presidents to military generals, all the senior authorities are appointed by him.

“His detractors call him a dictator, unlike the shah he overthrew.” (Brut., 2020).

Both sides have accused each other, Iran is an “Axis of evil”, and America is a “Great Satan”. Administrations changed over time, but the hatred of the American regime never lessen in the eyes of Iranians. It's been four decades but the tides are always high between them. America calls its economic sanctions “Maximum Pressure”, what Iranians calls “Maximum Resistance”. These sanctions would not end the hatred and historical errors which both sides have done.


After 65 Years: Mosaddegh’s Speech at The Hague (June 1951). (2016). Iranreview.Org.

Bill, J. A. (1988). The eagle and the lion : the tragedy of American-Iranian relations. Yale University Press.

Brut. (2020, January 13). The life of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Brut.

Kinzer, S. (2010, June 29). BP’s History of Meddling in the Persian Gulf. Www.Thenation.Com.

The history behind the US-Iran conflict. (2020, February 11). The history behind the US-Iran conflict. YouTube.

TRT World. (2020, January 14). The history of US-Iran tensions, explained. The History of US-Iran Tensions, Explained.



Meesum Qazalbash
Meesum Qazalbash

Written by Meesum Qazalbash

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